After 13 years Angel (The Series, Joss Whedon) aired its last episode, Lorne -one of the most popular characters among the viewers and fans of the show- still is #1 for many. Unforgottenable empathic and singing demon that made big impact in all of us, back then and now. To find out more on this awesome character and why he is so, you shall watch the show- you might want to read my post on Why You Should Watch Angel.
Just a random day on my Easter vacation when all of sudden my Facebook timeline gets different Lorne posts. What I love about itis how many people still love the most awesom green skinned, red horned demon.
It's been only a couple of weeks since Andy's anniversary happened, and might that be the cause (?). I don't know.
I'm sure he is your #1. Still, make sure to leave your comment here and show some Lorne 💚💚
Ginny xx