Apart from the classic Lorne episodes (The House Always Wins, Spin in The Bottle, Life of The Paty, Smile Time -one of his most memorable lines is in there!) one of my favourite episodes is Happy Anniversary. Today this episode was first released 17 years ago.
This is actually that one episode that I never get tired of watching. The more I watch, the more I love it. Now, to conmemorate this special double anniversary here are my Top 3 moments of the episode.
- "I'm the Host, I never shut up!". Few lines can be so iconic to Lorne and at the same time to Andy. You might have heard it from Andy's voice " I could talk for hours so you tell when to shut up". And oh! I could listen to him for hours, he always amuses me so! 😍
- That awesome moment when Lorne gets that high note and knocks the bad ones out! My hero😀💚
Lorne getting it out right! |
- Last but not least, Lorne singing the National American anthem. No need to say more. Watch this episode again if you don't remember this! 💘
Lorne visits the hotel for the first time |
And the magic of watching Joss Whedon's shows is how you keep finding faces that now, years later, are popular to us all. Take Darby Stanchfield (Denise on this episode) for instance. Took me a while to realise she was indeed one of Scandal's faces, actually she is one of my favourite characters in there.
Derby Stanchfield on Angel. |
On June we are watching this episode to celebrate so make sure not miss this. All info Here and to get a personalized reminder click here (and don't forget to choose A (for a monthly Event reminder) or B (for a weekly Event reminder).
This month we are watching Benediction to celebrate Mark Lutz's birthday (Groosalug, February 14th) on February 18th, click here to see know more and don't miss the very first event of the year!! 😃
Thanks for reading and sharing! See you next week! 😎
Ginny xx
Thanks for reading and sharing! See you next week! 😎
Ginny xx