When I first thought of this I was sure it wasn't going to be Despacito (Man, I hate that song!) or any other song that you may have heard a million times this summer, but definitely it was the song that for unexpected reasons has reached my heart and will also remind me of Andy somehow.
I never knew of this song nor of the artist before. This lady that I met through Instagram sent me a video of Andy with this song. I looked in Youtube and as she said, it fit Andy so perfectly so I thought I would use it for Andy's birthday video.
Now everytime I listen to that song it would remind me of him and play it non-stop to feel him close to me.
This other song is a new song that it was released this summer. It's one upbit and positive song from one of my favourite singers and after the hectic year I had, I felt I need some of happy upbit to counteract the tears.
From the first moment I listen to this song I knew it was the song that my heart needed. The perfect bit for my time at the beach 🙂
Whatever the reason I may have to like these songs, I would like you to tell me which one should fit better for this summer. The very first summer of this page, the first of many.
Which one you prefer? Please, leave your comment below or email me ! 🙂
Looking forward to your comments
Ginny xx