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Showing posts from March, 2017

Mark B. "His stories were the stuff of legend at cons"πŸ‘Š

8 years ago today the most awesome and unique man and soul left us and left all our dreams and hopes undone. This is a great day to remember our dear Andy by Mark's words.  For those we never got to meet them, this great tribute and way to remember him and keep him forever in our hearts πŸ’š "I was lucky enough to meet him a few times, one of the nicest people I ever had the pleasure of meeting. I met him at 3 different conventions. He was so kind to everyone he met. He made you feel like you were the most important person he'd met that day. He would give everyone more time than he was supposed to. His talks at cons were something no one wanted to miss, he was so bloody funny and his stories were the stuff of legend at Buffyverse cons.  My wife wasn't able to make the last con I saw him at & he was/is her favourite. He made a video for her and was just so nice.  I'm lucky enough to be friends with his mum on Facebook. She's such a love...

Share If You Love Him! #AndyHallett #Lorne

This is a hard time.Hard day coming when all the memories get to be a bit of bittersweet. Just few days  from today that the sound of Andy Hallett 's giggles left a big whole in this world. A whole that cant' be filled up by anyone else. Andy Hallett (1975-2009) Despite the hard time, despite the sad moment of these days... please, help me to spread out the word. To show what Andy was, to keep his memory here with us. Let other people discover the light that Andy was  (and he still his through his legacy ). Thanks for helping, sharing, spreading. Thanks for visiting and checking in. Keep it guys! Let's do this! πŸ˜„

14 years ago Today...

Release (S4.Ep.14) was first aired and our dear Andy was a regular on the series. So as a tribute to this episode and to Andy and a big thank you for Joss for bringing Lorne onto the show and got us to meet unique soul Andy Hallett. Here are some captions on the episode. Not spoilers on this.

The darkest turns to be the best on Release S4E14

Not pretend to be any spoilers in this so you can keep reading even if you haven't watched this episode just yet. In just few days it's the 14th anniversary since this episode was first aired. One of the best episodes on Angel and Buffy. Angelus is back in town and Wesley and Faith are about to fight him back and bring back Angel, that's gonna be a tough issue. Andy Hallett (Lorne) gets his first credit as a regular and that for some Lorne lovers is just as awesome as having all the gang fighting for a good and happy end. One thing I hate in here is Cordy's turn to be... to be ... to be.... (No spoilers in this, remember?). I don't like Cordy in this arc. πŸ‘Ώ Isn't Lorne awesome on that blue suit 😍 So, what's your fave moment on the show? Drop me a line on the comments below. Thanks!! πŸ˜‰