When I asked all the pages of the Buffyverse to recomend my site I never thought I got that response. 😲
I was freaking out actually because I thought that Lorne was being forgotten for some reason,somehow -yeah, I know, silly me!😏 - but the response to it was awesome.
I got 2,000 visits in 24 hrs which it amazed me. I don't post much of the Facebook pages I'm in, I don't want to spam them because I know despite they will tolerate some random posts I know people will get sick of me.
I'm just hoping that this page will cheer you up as it cheers me up everytime I get in here. So I want to thank you all for the welcome in and hoping this place will be yours very soon.💚
I know that some posts ago I told you I had big plans for this site. As a tribute to Andy Hallett and his unforgottenable character green skined, red horned demon Lorne.
So if you wan't to make sure you don't miss a thing, suscribe here or drop me a line down below.