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Showing posts from September, 2018

A brief encounter with

I had a meeting downtown where I would meet a client of mine. I was ready to go and win everyone over in that meeting but for some reason I didn't get a taxi cab to drive me to the place. I instead took the underground. So then something magic happened. When opening the entry door to the undergroud, a guy was waiting for me right there, holding the door.  When I looked him in the eye something familiar I found.  It was Andy. Not sure what it was but he was definitelty very look alike. His eyes, his mouth, his face, not his nose of course and neither his high.  But was it a coincidence? Was a sign from up above?. I believe it was somehow and that evening everything felt different. Ginny xx

Life keeps me busy... but I never forget πŸ’š

I can't believe it's bee so long since I last posted here. My bad!πŸ˜” Life keeps me busy. Trying to find your space in the world it ain't easy. I've been searching for that special place for about 10 years. Pushing and trying oportunities in the way. I feel somehow I've been reborn. I was feeling like kind of lonely in this world, then something happens that shakes me and wakes me up from my sleep. Wake up little girl, you're not alone. I say to myself. Though I feel alone most of the time when I'm fighting against all odds.  Today is one of these days, I feel so tired that I think I've pushed myself away too much. But then again when I think about my life now I see all the changes, all the chances gained, all the oportunities still ahead I feel like sometime soon I will feel fully accomplished.  One of my favourite moments of the year is about to come. Happening on Sunday. Watching again Chance with Amber Benson, James Marsters and A...