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Showing posts from July, 2018

Your opinion and help is needed: Please Read.

You might heard a rumour that I want to build a community around Andy Hallett. Yes, that little one that he used to have back in the day. Is there anything better than having a site where you can vent yourself and share moments, laughs and cons with other people that feel exact the same?. I can tell there is not. Maybe too ambitious but that's why I am trying to. And because I am very active person and want to keep improving this site,  I need you to answer a little poll down below, 100% anonymous, no collecting emails in this, just your opinion. Once you've completed, please pass on to another fans . Thank you endleslly for your help.🙇 P.S. Don't forget we have Andy's Birthday on Saturday 4th Augus t!! Join me for a big Online Party! More info Here. Cargando... Ginny xx

Bits and Pieaces: I believe.

It's every time I see a photo I haven't seen or process in my mind, when I get lost in the intense look, that smile that shone once in the world.  Since then everything's darker. It is said that life is what you make of it but I truly believe something is changed since 2009. Lorne (Andy Hallett) and Mercedes McNabb (aka Harmony)  Believe it or not, 2009 was a year when I decided to break with everything and and everyone in my life. I decided I had enough of that life I was living, friends, idols, music. But when I thought It was meant to be that dark, that's the way adult life is: my life changed  again one day when I was 35 years old (I was 28 in 2009) because my husband convinced me to watch Angel for the firsttime. That was 2 years ago. I think I entered the adult life then (2009) when I turned 36 I decided to be a child again, with innocence, passion, regretless, shameless.  As a child I though I could dream eternally pretending Andy w...

Andy's 43rd Birthday Celebration

In 3 weeks we have Andy's birthday and for me that is a very special number, a great chance for my comeback to the site and to pay tribute to the most amazing man ever! I have a video for you. Only 3 mins long to watch and share with all your friends. Like and Share this video, please ! Next August 4th I am doing a BIG Online Birthday celebration for Andy's birthday watching and commenting Life of The Party on a mass chat (working on that at the moment- but I'm hopigng we could be a huge online meeting with all our webcams!!) 10.30 pm - UK time. Please don't miss this!! I'm alson doing a special post at the site with all messages from all of you guys: sharing memories, birthday love, fave Lorne and Andy quotes, videos of you singing to Andy (for instance, or anything you can think it'd be cool to share),  gifs, photos etc. All at one post: Happy Birthday From The World Today .  All stuff I need before Augus...