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Showing posts from February, 2017

God Only Knows what I'd be without Him

(Song of The Month) It was Christmas when I first listened to this song. Andy Hallett had been in my life for a very short period but as the song says God only knows that this one would speak straight to my heart and remind me of this awesome man that left a big whole inside of us  and that could never be filled by anything or anyone.  This song will just speak again about the big love, passion and devotin  I feel for a man that cannot longer know how he keeps touching people's lives and hearts.  He wouldn't need to doubt it, if he could only see or feel. I truly wonder how he would feel or what he would think if he could knew...I don't mind much, to be honest. just as I make sure people won't forget about his grace, talent, voice and giggles. Just a line that goes deep inside and reminds me of what I am because I found him. And Oh those violins are like touching starts with my hand. One of those I know it's our Andy. My imagination goe...

New and Fresh Look on The Site: Visit Now!

I think I finally made it. There are some new changes on the website you might appreciate. Now you can find some helpful labels on each post so you can navigate easily around here ( Categories, on the left top of the page). You even have a SiteMap to see the descriptions to each post and read those you are most interested in. I have been able, finally, to enable comments on the blog so you don't have to give extra information. You can find a PhotoGallery  (Photos) with all the photos of Andy that I have found around Internet. Pinterest have given me the easiest way to share those photos and to clasify them. So now It's all a lot more organized. Get into my Pinterest Profile to get ALL the photos!!  Coming up very soon, I will be start a new section called YOUR STORY with all of  your stories, those that some of you might want to share about the day you met Andy or any other reference to his life that you lived in first person. As I said in earliert ...

No Sadness Allowed.

I know it's hard not to be sad when someone you appreciated, admired, knew and loved has gone right before you can even blink. I know it's hard to stay positive when such thing turns to be a tragedy, when the person is gone was too young to die - whatever the reasons, mostly of them on unfair develop of life circumstances. I can understand because I had people gone but I think of them, when I remember those that were gone and important in my life, I always try to smile, try to remember those memories I have on them. Tragedies happen - way too often, I'm afraid-. We get people gone when we are not ready and takes too much to heal the wounds -if they ever do. But one thing is certain, you never get over it, you learn to live with it, you learn to live with them in your memory constantly, you learn to live, to relate everything with "if he/she was here...". The pain learns to remain sleep on your daily life, the pain seems to be numbed. Your heart learns to live wi...

Who said Lorne can't make a good fighter?

Just the other day I was watching for a second time Happy Anniversay on Season 2 of Angel . It will probably become one of my favourites because of what Lorne adds to the gang without noticing. The world was about to end because a guy is about to end it with one of his experiments. Lorne visits Angel and tells him the latest news . He doesnt seem to be very impressed because he is too busy with his own vendetta. One of the darkest episodes of Angel and probably one of the best. They need to find the guy to stop whatever the event he is doing to end the world. On their way to him they come across with these awkward demons and how do you think Lorne helps? He gets that high note on his beautiful voice.... and he beats the demons! So after all he can fight. He can do in a very Lorne style being just like he is not forcing him to be nothing he is not. You can even notice his face of pride after knocking them out. This is also the first time Lorne gets into the Hyperion and notice...

Tribute to Andy Hallett: Want to Join me?.

There are two major months in the year to tribute Andy publicly. I know some of us do a daily tribute by taking him on our heart, a keyring with a photo of him or maybe taking a photo somewhere else that helps to feel Andy close to us. What I want to do in these two major months (March and August) is a very special tribute to him by posting on our profile pages of all our social networks a photo of us customized as Lorne and the hashtag   #IloveBeinGrrreen ( It's important those 3 "R" to difference it from this eco movement ) and #AndyHallettTribute  #IWillNeverForget. Ok. Don't panic here. You don't need to disguise if you don't want. There's an easier way to do. You shall take a selfie of yourself and then edit photo on your cell phone and turn your skin into green , it's so easy!!! Just see this.... Let it be as GRRReen as you can ! 😃 When you upload that to Twitter remember (I recomend to share here first so you have the definitive photo t...