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5 thinkg I learned from Andy

 Out of time or maybe just on the right time. When I met Andy my life was kind of chaotic and messed up. So maybe I needed something to put me back on track. So these are five lessons that I learned from Andy . Five things that I needed to know or remember. Lesson 1: always stand for what you believe. One of the things that I love most from Andy when I knew him was he was so spontanous, charismatic and funny – he definetely knew how to connect with people in one unique way he could only do. That was my first lesson. Despite people don’t like what you do or are, always be yourself, stand for what you are and you believe . I believe Andy always was true his heart and word. Lesson 2: passion for music. Three years ago I was completely disconnected from myself. My life was passionless or at least, I felt something went wrong in some point. Andy connected me again with one of my passions . Andy showed me passion for music. I started to listen music again and further more, I started to f...
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Are you Sporne like Me? Find out!

 When I started watching Angel I was certain that my only crush on the Buffyverse was going to be unalterable. My heart belonged to Spike and James Marsters – who would blame me for that?. Little I knew then, how much life could changed me.,, Nevertheless, I was not keen to share my heart with somebody, the truth is Spike soon had to share his throne with this green-skinned, red-horned demon by the time I reached the end of Season 3. It broke my heart when he said goodbye to Angel – but that’s a different story. Maybe you are a bit like me and you have not realised just yet you are Sporne like me . 😲 Here four hallmarks that makes us all Sporne lovers: 1 – When you are asked about your favourite demon or dark creature you make sure demon is not the same as vampire (it is obviously not the same but for rest of mortals they could mix all in the same set). You are troubled if they make you choose between Spike and Lorne. 2 – Your favourite Angel seasons are 2 and 5 . Season 5 in...

Top 5 Lorne Quotes

There are many reasons to watch Angel and Lorne has some great lines, even in fact he has the best lines of the show that may make the show worthable to watch. It’s hard to choose five quotes out of all the great lines, but these ones I have chosen are top five for me. Maybe they are for you as well. My first favourite is definetely a line that I’m sure every lornette has wished to say to Lorne at least and this one was referred to Fred. Winifred Burkle once told me after a sinful amount of chinese food and in lieu of absolutelu nothing, “I think a lot of people would choose to be green. Your shade if they had the choice”. Lorne – Season 5    You know where I belong?L.A. You know why?. Nobody belongs there. It’s the perfect place for guys like us. Lorne – Season 2  Did I mention the only shots I’m good at involve tequila? Lorne – Season 4  Always leave them wanting more, kiddo. That’s the rule Lorne – Season 4  You never met me? I’m the Host. I never shut up. L...

10 years without Andy Hallett

Is there anyone that have really forgotten about the green skinned, red horned and empath demon from TV. How could’ve any forgotten the man behind the mask?. The charisma, the epic stories, the smile, the sweetness, the kidness. Along all this year there has been more and more of words of love and support to Andy after ten years . There is an irrefutable proof that we haven’t forgotten Andy. Here it is. But there is one more, let show you some quotes from people around social networks. Gloria He was so handsome with an awesome smile. Too Bad we never saw his real face on Angel. Kyle Miss you buddy. It would have been so good to see where your face face would have popped over the later years, and I’m sure you’d give us all the love…….. such a shame, such talent lost, love you mate. Danny Talk about talented and charismatic. Jon God, he’s missed. Regina Love you gorgeous no matter where you are The***** Andy would’ve crushed it on twitter Charisma Carpenter So much funny and talent in on...

Welcome to my Sanctuary

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Angel’s 20th Anniversary by EW

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That bliss that a song can give

  Many times we consider that we should give up the thing we love in order to be an adult, to have the life that others expect you should. House, car, kids, full time job. Maybe that was not the life you dreamed of when you were kid. Are you familiar with any of this?. I have lived this a couple of times. I knew this song when my life was again in the middle of change. The difference now is my soul feels free and  this song sends me right to an emotional mood, an emotional bliss that I have hardly experienced in my life. Music has that power, the power to send you right to heaven… or so that place they call heaven and we rarely experience on this wordly life. This guy might sound familiar to you… and might the song as well.  Too beautiful not to be shared.